Univesity Managemnt System
Based on Odoo
By TechScope
Online admission, easy process
Online form at the website to allow the student to fill the admission form with specific information as Name and previous graduation and attached documents.
Online Admission Forms: Detailed admission forms can be filled out by the students directly on the website, including personal information, previous education, and documents like ID and certificates.
Attachments: The online form will provide for easy attachment of the certificates and IDs in scanned format.
Admission Criteria: Admission criteria will be flexible in terms of defining admission criteria-for example, previous graduation information, minimum grade thresholds.
Student Information
Full student Profile
Student detailed profile: It includes basic information and private information, all details regarding historical data, activities- behavioral and skills.
Student Profiles: Detailed student information is captured and stored in the system, covering personal information, such as name and contact details; historical information, such as previous education and graduation status; and other attributes, including skills, extracurricular activities, and behavior.
Activity & Skills Tracking: The platform will keep a record of student activities, academic participation, behavioral notes, and the development of skills.
Automating your timetable
Timetable Automation: Timetables are adjusted automatically according to faculty availability, student group requirements, and total session duration to ensure the best scheduling.
Group Timetable: Separate timetables will be generated for each student group, incorporating faculty schedules, subject requirements, and room availability.
Exception Management: The system will accommodate exceptions, such as changes in schedule during Ramadan.
Room & Capacity Management: this ensures that room availability and the capacities of groups are considered in the generation of the timetable.
Easily manage student and doctor attendance
Student Attendance by Subject: The system is able to track attendance on a per-subject, per-student basis with accurate record-keeping.
Part-time Faculty Attendance: Part-time faculty attendance is tracked through the same system, linking them to the presence of any student.
Attendance and results can be approved by the concerned faculty to make it accurate and accountable.
Exam Results
Successfully manage your Exams
Subject Weight: This can be calculated through the system because it considers the weight of each subject in importance to the final grade.
GPA (grade point average) per Semester: The system calculates GPA automatically for each semester.
Final GPA Calculation: It determines the final GPA in accordance with the student's academic record.
New Exam -: Special exam provisions (such as re-takes) shall be tracked and included for final GPA calculation.
Jury: Jury marks -رئفه- will be added by subject but not added in the GPA calculation, which provides the faculty with the opportunity to give more weight to student results at discretion.
Subject Grouping: The system supports the grouping of subjects to evaluate them collectively. Results from several subjects belonging to a group will be aggregated, hence allowing a broader overview of the performance of the students.